Monday, 9 June 2014


By Hidayat Ullah

life is akin to a stream — one sprung from the heart of a rigid rock. Like a stream flows all the way down, from tops of harsh mountains to smooth plains, life also follows a similar and an intricate path. Unlike the stream, the course of life can be uphill at times, getting more difficult, but most of the similarities between both still remain intact.

Like the stream, life never gets stagnant. It goes on and on until it dwindles into something else. Or maybe continue onwards. Who knows? When it does get kinda stagnant for a limited period of time, it’s no more life. It becomes something else.

Life offers opportunities as well as challenges. It has its own ups and downs. There are moments to rejoice, and others to mourn at. But the best part is that it goes on until it comes to an end. One has to be content with living it while accepting all the wonderful as well as the terrible times. Otherwise, it is never too late for life to turn us into a stagnant body of water that only moves when an external force tries to create ripples in it.

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